The Story so far...

Our story began with a new beginning; a wedding, moreso the celebrations of one. The Royals of Ashsky and the Corsicolles, in honour of their union, held a Festival of the Hunt on Ashsky for the first time in hundreds of years, the once peaceful isles flooding with aspiring adventurers from every corner of the world. There, an unlikely group met and found themselves in need of three other adventurers to be able to form a group to even participate in said celebrations- this led to Luto, Ailuro, Bifon and Tarquinn uniting and ultimately becoming friends.

Over the coming days, they'd succeed in every challenge set before them, whether slaying monsters or surviving the ocean's wrath. As they bonded and grew familiar, they found something odd. A strange calling to one of the cliff's edges, where the fabric of the world had seemingly come unstuck, the veil of arcana around the world having seemingly been torn. With that, a larger adventure began without their knowledge.

As some of the tournament officials became aware of the discovery, the Isles were attacked during the finale of the Festival, fireballs raining from the skies, large ethereal chains plucking victims from the ground and into seemingly nothingness. Thankfully the adventurers found their way to help before losing the Master of the Arcane, Y'tirin Eihr to a mysterious figure in the sky, though the carnage wrought throughout the night was devastating. Many friends were lost during the battle in efforts to evacuate civilians, including close friend to the group, Luca.

Somewhat thankfully, the Royals had not yet made their way to the isles, though arrived shortly after the disaster. They invited the group, along with Y'tirin and Umberlai, another of the group's new allies, along to a feast to discuss business and as some hopeful respite to a haunting night. Taking every opportunity, the group decided to appeal to Luca's Deity, Aktilanneth, to aid with her revival. They agreed, on the proviso that the group take her to Xinhua Viaducts on the Northern side of the continent, and question not why. The deal was done, and a grateful Luca was brought back. 

Y'tirin, along with fellow Hunting Mistress at the Ninuut Guildhalls invited the group to join a fairly new organisation they had been laying the foundations for- The Espers. Where the Veil had been torn, as the group had seen nights prior, the ancient ones had communed with Y'or, their oracle, that this was potentially devastating for the world. With the arcane fabric damaged, not only could 'visitors' from other realms come to this one to abuse it and try to ruin the world, but also those with nefarious goals from this realm itself would likely have easier access to the arcane fibres within the world, using that power for selfish and cruel means, making themselves a deity- an Alter, by another name. 

The group tentatively agreed, making their way to the Ninuut Guildhalls to await a more proper initiation into the group and further instructions. On the way, Ailuro's arcanic donor, Synnian, called them away for an urgent mission, regretfully leaving the party. However, not soon after arriving the group found a Satyr caged in a jail wagon with their giant frog, Winnie. They decided to help out after hearing the altercation was purely a misunderstanding and that their new friend, Camellia, had in fact travelled here from the Fey Lands via one of the tears in the Veil. They also tried to make amends with Granny Baker, who had initially had Camellia arrested, only to suspect her of witchcraft, incapacitating her and her operation in a heist. 

One of the Guildhall's managers, the passionate young goblin Pithy, asked the group in the meantime to help find a couple of Guildhall members who'd seemingly been missing for a while. The group discovered that they were close allies to Y'tirin, and were last known to be heading to Verdglas Shrine, not far away. However, recent attempts to get to or even find the shrine had gone poorly. After their initiation, the group set out on a smaller mission for the Espers, before breaking off to find the Shrine. Though successful, the Shrine left them with more questions than answers- a stone dais covered in old child's blood, and some sort of crystalline ice formation that had had a large portion removed.

Over the past weeks, Tarquinn had been having strange dreams about heroes, as well as a drow woman they briefly encountered behind a secret locked door in the Guildhall. They'd been slowly progressing more and more, even dipping into reality every now and then, and this came to a head when he believed he saw her disabling their exit from the shrine. Thankfully, they were able to escape, and were met with familiar faces outside, ripe with betrayal. Once slain, Harpesche, goddess of taking secrets to the grave dove into the minds of most of the party, agreeing to a deal: one secret in exhange for another. The group all privately divulged their secrets, before learning that Aktilanneth, the Deity that'd brought Luca back to them, was an Alter, and so their enemy. With that information in tow, the group set forth to Xinhua.

Characters & NPCs


Bifon Thestaers - The Hammurai
Player- Dime

He/Him, Firbolg Fighter.

Proficient with a rock-on-a-stick. Hailing from Toldren, Bifon, brimming with renewed vigor has decided to take to adventuring again. If not for nothing the thrill of it.  While life has never been dull there is unfinished business that must be sought inside his soul.

Luto Bayani - The Cooking Cleric

Player- JC

He/Him, Human Cleric.

Last remaining disciple of Chef Marvillus, the world-renowned wandering chef, who has dedicated his life to finding a delicious harmony with the planet and eating the rarest of monsters. He's all about the community and the reciprocal nature of food, and how it brings us all together.

Tarquinn - The Memorable

Player- Dareon

He/him, Half-Drow Monk.

Abandoned as a baby at the Myherrmal monastery, he was raised and trained as one of the monks, thus growing up skilled in the arts of fighting. He was a natural in the art of combat, although not the best when it came to discipline and being humble, he was always a little rebellious. However, due to his promising talent and skills, he was given a gift, an important relic he must carry and protect, along with a mission: To go out into the world and offer his help to those in need, to use his skills for the greater good. Of course, Tarquinn being who he is, uses that opportunity to make a name for himself, to seek glory and tell all kinds of tales about his incredible (and exaggerated) achievements.

Camellia Throse - The Fey

Player- Roobz

They/She, Sun Satyr Ranger.

Camellia is from the Fey Realm and was born into a working class family. Growing up, she learned to appreciate nature and its beauty amidst the glitz and glamorous party-filled lifestyles of those ruled under the Court of Extravagance. She eventually left her home behind and decided not to follow in her family’s footsteps, even after their insistence of her to do so her whole life. Camellia wants to pursue adventure and let it take her to places where she can learn more about the world and its nature.

Ailuro - The Catlike

Player- Nye

Any Pronouns, Half-elf Druid.

After an incident, they have been followed by cats their whole life. They find them to be holy creatures and assist them on their journeys. Nature saved their life and so they have devoted themselves to protecting creatures of all sizes and natures, respecting the monsters they kill, understanding the circle of birth and death as holy. They want to bring purpose to the hopeless, and hope to the lost. No one is alone, and no one should be left alone.


The campaign thus far has taken place in the Continent of Yadash, specifically in the following places:

The Floating Isles of Ashsky

"One may look at the theories posed of the calamity with a sceptical eye, though the Floating Temple isles of Ashsky are undeniable proof that the Shattering occurred- these bright lands lay hundreds of feet above the cerulean oceans below, a veritable panoramic view of the continent that may rival even the gods’. 

Here, alabaster temples and shrines host those of spiritual affinities, peppered across the various isles and formations, attended by those who contemplate and wish greater understanding of not only the long distant Astrals, but the newer deities seen to be bleeding into the worlds influence."
In the Leregne Region of Yadash.


"Your eyes follow the snowy and rocky faces to a landing of sorts, a town balanced on the edge of the mountain, a perfect view over Ospra below it. Cosy brick and wooden beamed houses and cottages light the cold snow with a warm light, emanating a sense of comfort and home. Though you’re no longer on the floating isles, this is about as close as you can get while remaining firmly attached to the earth beneath."
In the Ospran Region of Yadash.

Xinhua Viaducts

"A placid lake lays at the centre of this mountainous city, serene amidst the hustle and bustle expected of a place so close to the capital of the region. Sturdy yet beautiful buildings wind up and around the peak of the Xinhua mountain, framed by the breathtaking viaducts that surround the border and weave their way around the habituated areas. When you're this high above sea level, you'd expect more extreme weathers in the form of blizzards or snowstorms, but a gentle breeze and still fog is likely as much as one would face in this quiet haven."


The Espers

A new organisation founded at the Guildhalls in Ninuut, the Espers are an astral-oracle led group following the wishes of the ancient deities, to rid the world of Alters- false deities who've arisen to great power by means of establishing cults or abusing the recently torn veil protecting the world.

The Nightingales

A cult claiming their dedication to Viersl, Deity of fire and purification. They claim anything or anyone of a bestial nature worthy of 'cleansing'.



~ Demonic deity of the twilight, dusk, eclipses. Light in darkness, redemption in hopelessness.  Strangely kind and considerate unlike the usual stereotypes of demonic folk.
To summon: Feather, potent respiratory poison, candles in points of the symbol. Light feather aflame, place in the centre.
Known followers - Luca


~ Deity of Light. “Where light stands tall, the hollow beckon of shadows calls. The radiant gaze turns fear away"
Known followers- Nodur Qelal


~Deity of taking secrets to the grave.Able to grant vast powers in exchange for secrets, or indeed swear an oath with those who would seek access to those secrets.


~Deity of Fire, Purification & Renewal.Often mis-adapted for nefarious and prejudiced means, Viersl's true ideology centres around symbolism of a fresh start and necessary change through destruction.








Iwast & Istillae






Stalatia & Stalagma



